Dear New Song Church Family,
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
After hosting a successful “Ministry Focusing” event on April 15, 2018, I can now also share that we have hosted a very information meeting with the NLI Staff Leads from four different districts to prepare us for our next event. Please mark your calendars and do all in your power to hold these 3 days open…
Friday, October 5, 2018 (6pm - 8:30pm) For young adults and newer guests
Saturday, October 6, 2018 (9am - 3:30pm) All are invited!
Sunday, October 7, 2018 (10am) One combined worship service
Throughout the weekend of October 5-7, we will be hosting multiple groups to gather with members of the NLI Leadership Team to share our story, mission, vision, values, practices, hopes and dreams…
We will be gathering with persons opening up certain questions for each of us to consider. This same team will also be seeking to specifically invite into the discussion persons who are newer to the congregation, youth and young adults, members who have been here since the beginning of our formation, and beyond –
We will have everything the team learns compiled into a report on Saturday night, and then on Sunday morning (drum rolls!)… we will learn what the report has to say about our strengths, areas for improvement, recommendations for the future and a list of 3-5 projects that we will need to further discuss and strategize around.
Throughout October, we will then have as many as 3 Town Hall meetings/ strategy sessions where we will prayerfully discern God’s guidance and next steps for our congregation. A list of possible areas we will have reviewed by the NLI Leadership Team include: discipleship/small groups, stewardship: financial planning, volunteerism, etc., evangelism, facility upkeep/expansion, debt elimination, worship, missions and serving, etc.
What can you be doing in the meantime?
Pray. Prayer is the foundation and backbone of this entire initiative.
Participate. Save these dates and make this weekend a priority (a complete schedule will be posted very soon!)
Invite friends to join us in the lead-up time we have until this event, invest in all that God is doing within our church with your time, talents and treasure, and… pray some more.
Communications will be flowing pretty wildly the closer we get to the weekend of October 5-7 and in that month to follow. In early November, we will then have a Called Church Conference where we will vote on the next steps we need to take, inclusive of timetables, deadlines and how to join in helping with each part of the process.
We are praying you can join us throughout the weekend!
Stay tuned for further updates and ways to support this effort, and don’t forget: pray & pray some more!
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
After hosting a successful “Ministry Focusing” event on April 15, 2018, I can now also share that we have hosted a very information meeting with the NLI Staff Leads from four different districts to prepare us for our next event. Please mark your calendars and do all in your power to hold these 3 days open…
Friday, October 5, 2018 (6pm - 8:30pm) For young adults and newer guests
Saturday, October 6, 2018 (9am - 3:30pm) All are invited!
Sunday, October 7, 2018 (10am) One combined worship service
Throughout the weekend of October 5-7, we will be hosting multiple groups to gather with members of the NLI Leadership Team to share our story, mission, vision, values, practices, hopes and dreams…
We will be gathering with persons opening up certain questions for each of us to consider. This same team will also be seeking to specifically invite into the discussion persons who are newer to the congregation, youth and young adults, members who have been here since the beginning of our formation, and beyond –
We will have everything the team learns compiled into a report on Saturday night, and then on Sunday morning (drum rolls!)… we will learn what the report has to say about our strengths, areas for improvement, recommendations for the future and a list of 3-5 projects that we will need to further discuss and strategize around.
Throughout October, we will then have as many as 3 Town Hall meetings/ strategy sessions where we will prayerfully discern God’s guidance and next steps for our congregation. A list of possible areas we will have reviewed by the NLI Leadership Team include: discipleship/small groups, stewardship: financial planning, volunteerism, etc., evangelism, facility upkeep/expansion, debt elimination, worship, missions and serving, etc.
What can you be doing in the meantime?
Pray. Prayer is the foundation and backbone of this entire initiative.
Participate. Save these dates and make this weekend a priority (a complete schedule will be posted very soon!)
Invite friends to join us in the lead-up time we have until this event, invest in all that God is doing within our church with your time, talents and treasure, and… pray some more.
Communications will be flowing pretty wildly the closer we get to the weekend of October 5-7 and in that month to follow. In early November, we will then have a Called Church Conference where we will vote on the next steps we need to take, inclusive of timetables, deadlines and how to join in helping with each part of the process.
We are praying you can join us throughout the weekend!
Stay tuned for further updates and ways to support this effort, and don’t forget: pray & pray some more!